How much does Klapp cost?
Registration for Klapp is free so that you can fully explore Klapp.
Our Success Guarantee!
No costs will be incurred until you successfully use Klapp and reach at least 90% (realistic goal: 100%) of the parents in a class/group through Klapp.
The base price is adjusted according to the purchasing power of the respective country.
The price includes free personal consultation and support.
Exclusive Discounts:
When the entire institution uses Klapp
Volume discount for 500 or more licenses
Special education schools, children's homes: up to 50% discount
Sports clubs, music schools, playgroups, church congregations: up to 70% discount
Prices for companies on request
Please specify the number of students and staff.
And if Klapp doesn't excite you, just let us know. Your account will be closed, and no invoice will be issued.